Have your say about the future of Women’s Sport in Australia

Want to participate in positive, productive and innovative discussions around the issues faced by women in sport?
Can’t make the Sport for Women Day: Agenda Conference this Wednesday 27th February?
Then join the conversation online!
We’ll be live blogging, tweeting and posting key discussions to facebook on the day so whatever your social media poison, we’ve got you covered.
- When: 10am - 4.30pm, Wednesday 27th February
- Where: SportForWomen.com.au | @SportForWomen & #SFWagenda | facebook.com/SportforWomen
Live Blogging
Visit the Sport for Women website on 27th February. Sign in and you’ll be able to follow the live blog as well as chat with our blogger and other attendees about the issues raised.
Follow #SFWagenda: By following the hashtag, you’ll be able to see all the conversation around the Agenda Conference, even from people you don’t follow.
When you reply to tweets or make a comment, ensure you add #SFWagenda to your tweet too.
So, you don’t have to follow @SportforWomen but it would be nice!
Like our page: facebook.com/SportForWomen
We’ll post the main points raised every hour or so and you’ll be able add your thoughts and opinions to the issues raised.
AGENDA 2013 is proudly supported by the Centenary of Canberra.